Research Opportunities

The world is in constant change in all different aspects, politically, socially, economically and even on an individual level. My hearts go out to all on the front lines: whether the tough and courageous paramedics working 12 hour shifts to save so many lives, to those on the front lines of the protests, speaking out against injustices ignored for too long. 

A very minor positive is that we as sociologists have so much to research: with how various reactions are to each even, how things occur over the developments of the events, and even put original responses can be studied. It's exciting as a researcher, although it is bittersweet. I want the world to be a better place, but occasionally to do that one must analyze the bad and how to avoid making these mistakes again. 

I know this blog is invisible, but I felt an update was still necessary. I may not be able to do much, but I still will at least cheer and sneak whatever free things I can from work to those fighting. 

Stay safe everyone. 



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