Exploration of Spirituality

Y’know, its hard enough knowing my own plans for breakfast, but what I believe in? Well, that leaves me scrambled. 


Hello. So I have been distracted from studying research papers as of late, instead I've joined a few pagan groups online. The community has a thirst for knowledge and has pushed me to seek what I believe.

What has been amazing about pagan spaces online, is that they have been helpful and insightful people who research like mad. As a Seeker, I am still searching for a belief system to follow myself, like trying to find a shoe that fits. Or more akin to a belief system that doesn’t cause me worry due to Latent Christianity. Due to this, I figured a section dedicated to my seeking journey was appropriate. This part of the blog will be apart in tone and subject matter, therefore it may not be for everyone. Additionally it will be a portion of the blog that will be more stream of consciousness and my personal thoughts on matters. I hope that even if you may not agree in my praxis, we can have a civil conversation about it.

Additionally, this blog must state that I am in support of Declaration 127 and the Declaration of Deeds, as racism and bigotry are just un needed within pagan spaces. If you are unaware of either document I'll have them posted below:

Declaration 127 Declaration of Deeds

May this journey we take together be one of understanding and learning.



Pages on spirituality so far:

-A Quick Summary of My Spiritual Journey


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