
Well, that's a great question.

I love sociology. I enjoy creating art (digital or otherwise). Additionally, I love warm, comfy drinks.

Why not talk about my favorite things?

Why do you enjoy research on darker themes?

Research on darker themes is always overlooked, not talked about, or shied away from. As someone who has gone through many terrible things, I have a fascination with the abyss in a way. Due to the stigma some of these topics get, I become more curious on why. 

Why create this Blog?

In terms of the research: I am currently out of school due to financial issues. Thus, I want to fulfill my desire to research, by studying. Plus, since I enjoy doing this, I figured I'd dig into these topics in a blog format.

In terms of the art: I feel uncomfortable posting my art in many places. I've done a little on places like Reddit or Twitter. However, I just rather have a digital archive of it all. 

If I ever get a nice coffee machine, or get any nice pictures of coffee I'll post those. Just because :)

Why Do you feel x, y , and z? You should debate me!

If you are here to get into discussions, feel free to email me. Otherwise, I'm not here to debate my opinions on controversial topics. If you disagree, you disagree. I know I disagree with many opinions, like religion, however I do try to separate my feelings and the research and facts. You'll note there is always a clear break between them. This is just a creative outlet for me, not a job. 

If you want to read my biases or more about me: click here.

If you have any more questions, let me know! Otherwise have a great day! 



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